We offer 15 country houses close to Parada (at less than 25 kilometers)
In the area and its surroundings you can visit the following areas:
The price may vary depending on the dates you choose, but a country house in Parada got an average cost of 25€ per person and night according to prices of HolidayCottagesToRent.net
A Carbiña- O Castiñeiro, A Carbiña- O Souto and A Carbiña- O Salgueiro are some of the households that generate more interest
Couples looking for a romantic rural getaway wrote good reviews on these accommodations: A Carbiña- O Salgueiro, A Carbiña- O Castiñeiro
Real data from the reserves of HolidayCottagesToRent.net for a weekend and 2 travelers.
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