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Mora De Rubielos (Teruel)

Holiday Cottages in Mora De Rubielos

Holiday cottages & country houses to rent in Mora De Rubielos. Check prices, offers and reviews from other guests, to sleep in one of our rural houses in Mora De Rubielos. Find the best charming vacational rentals in Mora De Rubielos for your holidays.

Top 15 most popular country houses in Mora De Rubielos

  • 16 photos 16 Photos

    Apartamentos La Trufa Negra

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    62 rooms
    190 people
    79 bathrooms
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    from 22 person and night
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    Apartamento El Hortalán Tipo 1

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    Match: Charming cottages Mora De Rubielos
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    from 26 person and night
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    Apartamentos El Hortalán Tipo 2

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    Match: Charming cottages Mora De Rubielos
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    from 26person and night
    from 26 person and night
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  • 21 photos 21 Photos

    La Casa de la Estación

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

    0 reviews
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    6 rooms
    18 people
    6 bathrooms
    Match: Country houses Mora De Rubielos
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    • Pets allowed
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    from 28person and night
    from 28 person and night
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  • 27 photos 27 Photos

    Casa 1340

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    from 24 person and night
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    Mas de Muñoz

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    from 32 person and night
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    Casa Rural El Encanto de Mora

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    Los Masecicos Apartamento 2

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    from 18 person and night
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    Los Masecicos Apartamento 1

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    from 20 person and night
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  • 14 photos 14 Photos

    Apartamento A- El Refugio

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    Apartamento B - El Refugio

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    from 78 person and night
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    Apartamento C - El Refugio

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    from 31 person and night
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    Hotel Rural La Trufa Negra

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    from 91 person and night
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    Casa del Castillo

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    from 15 person and night
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    Casa rural La Escapadica

    Mora De Rubielos, Teruel

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    from 28 person and night
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    We offer 5 country houses close to Mora De Rubielos (at less than 25 kilometers)

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    Apartamentos Hermanas Montolio

    Valbona, Teruel

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    4 rooms
    10 people
    2 bathrooms
    Property located at 5.6km of Mora De Rubielos
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    from 19person and night
    from 19 person and night
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    Casa Ramiro

    Valbona, Teruel

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    2 bathrooms
    Property located at 5.6km of Mora De Rubielos
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    from 15person and night
    from 15 person and night
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    Hotel Masia el Molinete

    Valbona, Teruel

    0 reviews
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    36 rooms
    76 people
    Property located at 5.7km of Mora De Rubielos
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    from 46person and night
    from 46 person and night
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  • 18 photos 18 Photos

    Alojamiento Rural Sierra de Gúdar

    Valbona, Teruel

    0 reviews
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    6 rooms
    32 people
    6 bathrooms
    Property located at 5.7km of Mora De Rubielos
    • Parking
    • WiFi free
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    from 19person and night
    from 19 person and night
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  • 66 photos 66 Photos

    Casa Rural y Aptos Turísticos Sanahuja

    Valbona, Teruel

    0 reviews
    Booked 1 times
    Full Rental
    16 rooms
    32 people
    11 bathrooms
    Property located at 5.8km of Mora De Rubielos
    • Parking
    • WiFi free
    Instant booking
    Cancellation 30 days before
    from 27person and night
    from 27 person and night
    Instant booking
    Cancellation 30 days before
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Tips if you are going to do rural tourism in Mora De Rubielos

At the foot of the Sierra de Gúdar is the municipality of Mora de Rubielos, which forms part of the region of Gúdar-Javalambre in Teruel. Tourists in the area will discover a landscape at an altitude of more than 1,000 metres above sea level, a mediaeval town and distinct taste of truffle.

It's only 40 kilometres from Teruel city to Mora, which makes it an ideal destination for a weekend away, although we suggest you stay a few days longer and discover all the history, legends and secrets of the area.

The 1,500 inhabitants of the area, known as moranos, live in one of three different areas: the countryside, the suburbs and the old town centre. This last one overlooks the beautiful region of Alto Mijares and River Fuen Lozana.

What to see in Mora de Rubielos? The town has a large number of sites where you can enjoy history and culture. In addition, it was declared a Historic Site, so you can imagine how important it is.

Among the main landmarks are the Excolegiata de Santa María la Mayor, one of the best examples of Gothic architecture in the area. Built in the fourteenth century, it was declared a National Monument in 1944 and a Site of Cultural Interest in 2004.

Continuing with the religious architecture we find the five hermitages: of Loreto, San Roque, Soledad, Dolorosa and San Miguel.

The Castle Palace of the Fernández Heredia family is located in the highest part of the town and today houses the Ethnological Museum, which even has a library. In the centre is the Town Hall and some original arched entrance ways to the town.

Do you know what Rubielos means? It comes from Rubus Idoeus, which refers to the large number of blackberry bushes that grow in the area and are visible in architectural motifs around the area.

As for the festivals, the most important is the Feast of St. Michael, which is celebrated in September. Other important festivals are the Festival Puerta al Mediterráneo, which is held in summer in the castle and features artists performing dances and works of theatre.

As if all of that wasn't enough, there's the gastronomy. Here, the truffle is a kind of black gold. If you’re visiting, you have to try the truffle - and take some home with you - because of its high quality and ability to enhance the flavour of meat dishes. The sausages are also famous for their quality.

And as for the excursions that you can do in the area, we highlight the Ruta de las Trincheras where you can see trenches from the civil war and the reservoir of Las Tosquillas. Another trip that will take you deep into the natural landscape is the Castellar Route to the source of the River Mijares.

As you can see, there are many things you can do in this region, so the best thing to do is to find accommodation in Mora de Rubielos for a few days. There are vacation rental apartments, cabins, hotels and holiday cottages in the centre of the town and the surrounding area.

Frequent asked questions about las country houses in Mora De Rubielos

What type of housing do travelers usually prefer to sleep in Mora De Rubielos?

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Per month

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  • December 0.00%

Per day of entry

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  • Tuesday 0.00%
  • Wednesdat 0.00%
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